Hank Hewitt: Anglers’ paradise among the turbines

Throughout the main part of the summer season, my life is lived more on the water than it is on land. 

I’ve been fishing since I was five. Back then, I would sooner give up Christmas than give up an opening day of trout season. Now I’m a charter boat fishing captain here on the island. I feel like that's where I was born to be – on the water. The feeling I get while I’m out here is one of ultimate freedom. 
As a professional angler, one of the main reasons Hank likes Block Island wind farm has, in fact, little to do with energy. Watch the video and find out why.
I moved here from Scranton, Pennsylvania – for the fishing, the pristine beaches, the raw nature. As an angler, I’ve learned that the island is a beacon for a multitude of different fish species. I know how the water moves, I know the different structures, I know what I'm pursuing. I’m often texting Kim Gaffett about certain birds as they can tell you what type of bait is down below. 

When I first moved to Block Island, the wind farm was still in discussion. I wasn’t sure how it would impact the fish in the area. But it turns out one of the main reasons I like the wind farm has nothing to do with energy.
Hank Hewitt, professional angler, Block Island local, and offshore wind supporter, holds up a spiny black and white fish.
Close-up of a fishing rod held by Hank Hewitt, professional angler, Block Island local, and offshore wind supporter.

If you can use the natural forces of the earth to convert to electricity into the grid, and you're not destroying the planet doing it, I'm all for it.

— Hank Hewitt

The way I look at the turbines is, you have what's under the water. The turbine structure has the potential to be an artificial reef for a lot of species that are in decline, and potentially overfished right now. You look at the studies done, and so far, it does not appear to have any negative impact on the species of fish you find in the area. 

And then you have what the turbine is doing above the water. And that's your energy creation. Part of the reason why I left Pennsylvania was because of the habitat degradation and potential effects of natural gas fracturing. So, if you can use the natural forces of the earth to convert to electricity into the grid, and you're not destroying the planet doing it, I'm all for it. 
Close-up of a fishing rod held by Hank Hewitt, pointing toward the five turbines of Ørsted's Block Island Wind Farm.
The children growing up here definitely have a greater bond and attachment to the environment. They get out of school, and they go straight to the ocean to surf, fish and swim. It's their lifestyle, they're part of it. 

My hope is that that the future generation of environmental stewards will look at better, more efficient ways to harness and store the energy that's gained from what's in the water.

Stories from Block Island

Kim Gaffett, a bird bander on Block Island, tells her story about birds, migration, and offshore wind turbines.

Kim Gaffett

Just about everything Kim does involves a deep awareness of the wind. Hear a bird bander’s perspective.
Dr. Susan Gibbons, Block Island's only science teacher, tells her story about environmental stewardship and offshore wind.

Dr. Susan Gibbons

Block Island’s only science teacher is nurturing the next generation of environmental stewards.
Amira Wilson, an environmental activist from Block Island, tells her story about protecting ecosystems and offshore wind.

Amira Wilson

Amira is one of Block Island’s youngest environmental activists, with a mission to protect the island she loves and calls home.
Bryan Wilson, former manager of the Block Island Wind Farm, tells a story of welcoming offshore wind to his community.

Bryan Wilson

Bryan is busy building a community around wind energy. Find out how he’s bringing the Block Island Wind Farm to fruition.
The hub and blades of an offshore wind turbine seen from below, showing how offshore wind becomes clean, reliable energy.
what is offshore wind power? 

Wind power explained 

How we capture the power of the wind at sea to produce clean, reliable electricity

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The expansion of the clean energy industry is sparking growth and economic recovery